In Saratoga for my roomate, Gab's, 19th birthday! |
Tuesday has been an interesting day here in Saratoga, folks! Yes, it is quite gloomy, windy, and rainy, but here's the kicker...it is WARM outside! I could have worn shorts if I really wanted to (don't worry mom, I didn't...I am working to preserve my health).
Today was an interesting day anyway, despite the weather. I only have one class on Tuesday's, and it is my seminar called "What's The Big Idea?" Robert Boyers is my professor, and let me just say he is one of the most intellectually stimulating people I have ever met. He also calls me "Emmy" like Mr. Batt does and conducts class like Mr. Batt did, so that reminds me of home! We finished reading
Terrorist by John Updike, and so today in class we had a discussion about an interview with Christopher Hitchens (a famous leftist polemisist) and his view on Islam, terrorism, and America's response to 9/11. If you haven't read anything by or about Hitchens, I urge you to. He is quite the interesting guy and, while his ideas are quite radical, the strength of his convictions are admirable. He has written a very well known book called, "God is Not Great" that I am looking forward to checking out from the library when I have some free time.
My homework is finished, and I just got back from having coffee with Ellie Nichols. For those who don't know, she was a year above me at Kent. It's very nice to have a friendly face around campus, and she is doing quite well! In an hour I have a Student Government meeting. We are hammering out the deatils for this weekends all-school Oktoberfest event. The new SGA members (SGA is what we call Student Gov. for short) were sort of just thrown right in so it's a bit stressful, but I'm sure we'll be able to keep up. Tonight is the Britney Spears episode of Glee, so my friends and I are going to have a viewing party in our dorm! There will be cookies, but don't worry...the freshman fifteen will not be paying me a visit as I am very diligent about making it to the gym :-)
Again, I hope all is well with all of you, and know that I'm thinking of you guys often!
Love always, Emmeline