It's April 2nd today which means that I have a total of six weekends left at Skidmore until it's officially summertime. It's strange to think that in a short time I will have finished my first year of college. Senior year of high school and freshman year of college are two of those big events in life that you will never forget and for me it's all about to be over. It feels like it was yesterday when my mom had to pull over at a drugstore on the way to graduation so that I could get waterproof mascara, and I clearly remember my first night at Skidmore anxiously introducing myself to every person I saw. Don't misunderstand me, I am thrilled for the vast amount of memorable events that lay ahead, but sometimes I do wish I could go back for a moment and appreciate the things that I was too blind to notice at the time. My mom told me that I can't rehash the past or stress about the future. She said I need to focus on right now so I am working on it. Yesterday was a great memory, my future is bright, but for now I am going to live in the moment.
Love always, Emmeline