We Finished The Maze In A Record 42 minutes! |
It has been a while! I've been in midterm mode, but I am finally out. I finished my Organic Chemistry exam this morning, and now I have time to relax and prepare for Halloween. WOOHOO! Elle Woods from Legally Blonde is one of my inspirations so to pay tribute, I will be dressing as her. Don't worry, I will take pictures :) Since fall will be gone soon, I have been making sure to celebrate it fully. Last weekend Gab, Emily, Madi, Rafie, Johnny, and I had our first annual "Fall Day." We went to Saratoga Apple in the morning to pick apples, drink cider, and eat cider donuts. THEY WERE DELICIOUS. The apples that we picked we obviously took home, and now they are sitting in my room. I don't have to go to dhall to get an apple quickly...it's great! After apple picking, we went to Elmswood Farms to do the "aMAIZEing Corn Maze" and pick pumpkins. It was such a fun weekend. There were also bunnies at the farm which everyone knows are my favorite :) Moorbid Ball is this weekend and I cannot wait for all the other Halloween Festivities! I'll keep you updated on all the fun I have and candy I eat this weekend hahaha
Love always, Emmeline
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