The holiday spirit has definitely enveloped Skidmore! A cappella groups have been singing, the town along with the windows of dorm rooms are decorated with pretty lights, and the dining hall is decorated too! A dusting of snow has happened each night and even in the midst of finals preparation you can't help but smile. I always love to holiday season because for me it is about spending time with family and taking a break from all the difficulties to just breathe. It's a time meant for giving rather than receiving, and for being supportive of all those around you. I am excited to fly home in 6 days and really appreciate all the wonderful friends and family that will be waiting for me. This was an incredible semester, but also the most difficult I've had so I look forward to lights guiding me home and allowing me to take a nice break before I come back for part two. Take care of yourselves and your families, and as usual...
Love always,
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