Sunday, February 12, 2012

Dying of Laughter!

The Super Awesome ComFest T-Shirt!!!
This weekend was the 23rd National Comedy Festival which was started by a Skidmore alumn, David Miner, who is the executive producer for 30 Rock, and Parks & Recreation. He was a member of one of Skidmore's comedy groups, The Ad-Libs, which is still going strong today! The weekend was made up of a women in comedy panel, 18 college shows, and 3 professional shows. The college shows were made up of comedy groups from school's including Vassar, Yale, NYU, Brown, Emerson, Skidmore, George Washington, Boston University, and many more. I am pretty sure I was dying of laughter the whole weekend. The shows were a mix of sketch comedy and improv, and it was great to see students from all over come together and celebrate their love of comedy. I ushered the event which got me free tickets to all the shows, and an awesome t-shirt! I was unable to go to the event last year, but now it is definitely an event I would never want to miss! One of the most amazing parts of the entire weekend was that it was all student run! Skidmore students from the theatre department and elsewhere really stepped up their game and planned a smooth, tightly run Comedy Festival with no glitches. Check out this article from The NY TIMES (WOW!!!) that has more about the festival- It was quite the celebration and left my abs hurting from all the time I spent laughing :)
Love always, Emmeline

Monday, February 6, 2012

Super Bowl Sunday!

Yesterday was quite the party at Skidmore. Everyone had on their Super Bowl apparel and the excitement was evident. I was rooting for the Giants and so I was ecstatic when the 4th quarter clock hit 0:00! While I spent last year in the dorms celebrating, this year I went to the town houses on campus to partake in Super Bowl festivities which included the world's best nachos and Buffalo wings from Wings over Saratoga. My stomach was incredibly happy! It was also nice to spend some time in an actual house. While I have loved living in the dorms, there is something about being in a house with a kitchen that's comforting. I'm sad the weekend is over because it means back to the real world. I have my first Organic Chemistry II exam next week and I am getting awfully nervous. I am really enjoying my classes though, and my professors are great. My Business professor owns Putnam Market in town which is awesome! I am actually off to go work on some Business homework, but next week is Comedy Fest so get ready for some great updates!!!
Love always, Emmeline