Thursday, November 10, 2011

Food, Glorious Food!

     It was one of those nights again, and by those nights I mean the nights when d-hall has a special themed dinner. IT WAS AWESOME! Local restaurants from around town came and shared their food. There were meals from Forno, Chez Pierre, the Country Corner Cafe, and a whole bunch of others. Ah! It was sooooo good and very healthy. I has some incredible pan seared arctic char as well as brussel sprouts, yum! I'm always happy when d-hall has nights like they did tonight. Now that my stomach is satisfied, I am back in my room preparing to start my chemistry reading. Classes have been great this week! In chemistry we've been talking about stereochemistry and light optics which has been challenging, but fascinating. My movement class has been especially great this week. We are working on stage combat, and we've been assigned to create scenes with a partner using all the different stage combat techniques we've learned. My scene should be interesting...let's just say the plot involves a bunny being run over by a golf cart, yikes! I will try and film it so that I can share it with you all.
     Over the weekend I went to see two of the theatre departments workshops. One of them was entitled "The Intruder," and Gab stage managed! It was also great because a friend of mine who I've been in school since kindergarten with was also in the show. It was a touching piece on death, physical and metaphorical darkness, and acceptance of the nature of tragedy. I was near tears by the end of it and it was only 45 minutes. I was very impressed. This weekend is going to be busy too. I plan to help the costume department with some last minute preparations for the upcoming production of "Passion Play," and my friend Kevin is also directing a show called "The Amish Project" this weekend. BEATLEMORE SKIDMANIA IS ALSO THIS WEEKEND! I am sooooooo excited. Okay, well I should go finish my homework so I have time to participate in all these fun activities :)
Love always, Emmeline

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